
Covid-19 Update May26 2022

New cases of covid per day in oldham

For the week ending May22
Oldham had 50 cases per 100,000 persons, the City of Manchester had 71

The national average for the period was 71
Since April 2020 Oldham has recorded a total of 79,588 cases of the Covid-19 virus to date which means that more one third of Oldham's population have tested positive since the start of the pandemic.

Sources NHS & Public Health England, ONS & BBC 

The latest advice from Public Health England and the NHS regarding the COVID-19 outbreak can be found here: Current NHS Advice

Latest info from oldham council: ►

No coming soon for now...

No coming soon for now, as the whole world's near future events have been cancelled or postponed due to the Covid-19 virus.

Oldham Festival of Light

Each Year Oldham Interfaith Forum shares and celebrates four faith festivals The Christian festival of Christmas, the Judiac festival of Channukah, the Muslim festival of Mawlid-an-Nabi and Deepawali (Divali) celebrated by Hindsu, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists.

The colourful event features presentations and performances by the different faiths participating which started with the lighting of candles representing the four festivals. This year activities included Indian Dance, an African Choir, Carol music from a Brass Band and an Interfaith Quiz.

more information and pictures at

My Three Angels - Lyceum Theatre

My Three Angels - by Sam & Bella Spewack & Albert Husson

20-30th November 2019

It is Christmas Eve in the tropics and Felix Dulay, a hopeless storekeeper, is fearfully awaiting the cruel shop owner.

In a twist of fate, only allowable around Christmas, three convicts with a desire to do good, drop in (literally) from above and find touching, funny and inventive ways to save the family and restore justice in time for Christmas Day.

link to Oldham Lyceum Theatre

link to 2019-2020 season listing

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